Summon – The Latest Feature in Tesla Cars

The first thing that people think about when buying a car is safety and comfort. After all, as is quite common, car accidents are considered to be the most frequent type of road accidents. So when thinking about investing in a new model, it is normal to think about safety. Again, it is this safety which seems to fall under the category of quality issues as well.

That is why Tesla Motors, being one of the most renowned car manufacturers in the world, has decided to finally do something about it. In other words, besides providing its customers with a high level of comfort and superiority, they are now increasing their safety level as well. They managed to do this with a new feature which goes by the name of Summon. Even though they have released quite a few new Autopilot features for their new model, it is this Summon feature which has managed to steal the spotlight.

Now being a potential or existing user of Tesla, you might be wondering – what is actually so special about this Summon? After all, it is quite likely that you would have to pay a higher price for these kinds of quality issues.

In the most basic terms, Summon is considered to be one of the most innovative forms of technology which has been introduced by Tesla Motors in recent times. In reality, the main purpose of making this feature is to fulfil three primary goals. These are as follows:

  • To prevent the customers from the inherent risk which tends to exist when drivers operate their vehicles in tight corners. It is usually in these kinds of situations that people are incapable of seeing their surroundings. Again, it is usually in these kinds of situations that the majority of bumps also seem to occur. This can be said in the case of a test drive as well.
  • It can help make parking for drivers more convenient to a significant amount. So regardless of whether you are parking in an open space or a very tight one, Summon will be able to guide you through the whole process. In other words, you can actually become a pro at parking.
  • With the world becoming increasingly autonomous, Summon helps in laying down the important groundwork. Basically, what it is trying to imply is that the Autopilot mode which has been featured in the new model was basically done for the highways. But in the case of Summon, the whole guiding process starts from your garage. So as soon as you get inside your car, your driving instructor will be right there beside you, waiting to guide you to your destination.

So regardless of which model of Tesla you are currently driving, it is quite likely that you will be able to get Summon integrated in it. After getting that done, you will actually be able to experience the vast change in your driving patterns. If needed, you can also go for a test drive. All you would need to do is contact your nearest Tesla dealership.


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